
Develop your cybersecurity confidence with
professional and personalized support

Encouraging and supporting purpose-driven professionals to strengthen their resilience in cybersecurity

Encouraging and supporting purpose-driven professionals to strengthen their resilience in cybersecurity

80% of organizations have already been targeted by cybercrime

Not a single day goes by when we are not reading about, hearing about, or being threatened by cybercrime. Indeed everyone has already asked themselves how we can effectively protect ourselves against it – or at least prepare ourselves so that the effects do not threaten our existence. In the past period, we have received many of these messages. Unfortunately, often too late after a successful attack has been uncovered.


Days to identify a
cybersecurity breach


Days to recover from a
cybersecurity breach


Average cost of a
cybersecurity breach
in million USD


Attacks started with human interactions

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Introduce the business as the solution

(Why work with us)

Become a decisive cornerstone of your organization’s cyber resilience // Become a decisive cornerstone in cyber resilience - with professional and personalized support.

Emphazise on results, outcomes, actions -> not just features

-> become confident to ask the right questions in the field of cybersecurity

  • Evaluate the right risks
  • Decide on the effectiveness of the measures taken in your organization

Why work with us

Transform your life and achieve your goals with professional and personalized support.

Strategic clarity in the digital age

Navigating safely through legal requirements and liability

Strengthened decision-making ability in stress test and crisis situations

Gain a deep understanding of the current threat situation and vulnerabilities in your organization. With our support, you will gain the clarity to make informed and far-sighted strategic decisions in the cybersecurity sector. This clarity provides you with a solid foundation for sustainable security strategies.

We help you to fully understand and specifically address legal requirements and liability risks in the cybersecurity sector. You will gain confidence in the knowledge that your decisions comply with current standards and laws and thus avoid liability risks that could potentially jeopardize your company's existence.

Become confident in responding to cyber attacks and other crises. Our practical training courses strengthen your ability to act in crisis situations so that you can make the right decisions under pressure and protect your organization.

Long-term cyber resilience as a competitive advantage

Self-confidence in board environments

Achieve the highest level of cyber resilience that will keep your organization competitive in the long term. By making cybersecurity a strategic priority, you ensure long-term success and protect your organization from costly and image-damaging security incidents.

Gain the skills to answer questions on cybersecurity and risk management confidently and convincingly to supervisory boards, investors and other stakeholders. You will strengthen your personal standing and show that you can master the challenges of digital security.

Unlock Your True Potential With Life Coaching Services

Unlock Your True Potential With Life Coaching Services

Transform your life and achieve your goals with professional and personalized support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Clear Answers to Help You Move Forward with Confident Decisions in Cybersecurity

I have concerns that our internal data could be compromised through collaboration.2024-11-12T10:48:54+02:00

Data protection and confidentiality are our top priority. We work to the highest security standards and in strict compliance with all data protection regulations to ensure that your information is safe and secure with us.

Aren’t these training courses time-consuming? I have little capacity for additional appointments.2024-11-12T10:48:54+02:00

We know that your time is valuable and have designed our training courses to be precise and efficient. You get maximum benefit in a minimum time frame and can be assured that the training is tailored to your specific needs and time constraints.

We have already implemented measures. What’s the point of additional advice?2024-11-12T10:48:54+02:00

Cybersecurity is an ever-changing field, and existing measures are often not enough to defend against current and future threats. Our consultancy will assess your current security situation and provide you with tailored recommendations on how you can further optimize your strategy and keep it up to date.

We haven’t experienced any cyberattacks in recent years – why should I invest in cybersecurity now?2024-11-12T10:48:54+02:00

Cyber attacks are on the rise and the methods used by attackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Even if you have been spared so far, an incident can occur at any time. Prevention is far more cost-effective than mitigation – and you can ensure that your company is prepared.

I don’t understand the technical details of cybersecurity, why should I bother?2024-11-12T10:48:54+02:00

Our training courses are designed to provide you with the most important aspects of cybersecurity at management level – without being technically overwhelming. You get exactly the information that is relevant to your decisions and gain clarity on how to strategically secure your organization.

Why do I need cybersecurity training as a board member or supervisory board member? Our IT department takes care of that.2024-11-12T10:48:54+02:00

Cybersecurity is no longer just an IT issue, but a strategic and entrepreneurial challenge. As a manager, you have the responsibility to keep track of the risks for the entire company and prioritize suitable measures. Our training courses give you the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions and feel confident in your role.

The Cyber Resilient Board

Expert guidance and support for creating a fulfilling life on your terms

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